Supporting carers by removing obstacles in the development of respite solutions

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Emilie Fauchier-Magnan, Prof. Bertrand Fenoll, Olivier Toche

Within the framework of the governmental strategy “Action for Carers 2020-2022”, the delegated Minister for Independence and the Secretary of State responsible for disabled people referred a mission to the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (IGAS) relating to the evolution of the legal and financial framework of the respite offering for carers of elderly, disabled and sick people. 

The mission took place in a context marked by the effects of the Covid pandemic and in a sector which moreover is experiencing significant recruitment difficulties.

It targeted its work at four respite solutions, without claiming to be exhaustive, considering the variety of the offering and the diversity of the carers concerned:

  • support and respite platforms, which inform and advise carers;
  • home respite solutions, which stand in for the carer;
  • care home respite solutions, including the different forms of temporary placement and the “respite homes” experiment;
  • respite holidays. 

The mission draws up an overview of the existing respite solutions, presents the obstacles to their expansion, and makes recommendations to remove those obstacles. On some subjects, the mission proposes scenarios which must be looked into further.

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