Project to create a universal time savings account

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François Carayon, Véronique Martin Saint Léon (Igas), Frédéric Lavenir, Sandra Desmettre (IGF), Jean-Michel Mougard (IGA)

The mission, launched at the request of ministers with a view to providing preparatory information for negotiations with social partners on the creation of a universal time savings account (CETU), carried out its work between the end of September and the end of November 2022. In accordance with the request of the sponsors, in order not to preempt the conditions for entering into future negotiations, it refrained from consulting the social partners and therefore confined itself to a purely technical vision, mainly resulting from meetings with the government departments concerned and employers in the public and private sectors.

Since it was not asked to propose a pre-constructed scheme, but rather to provide a tool to facilitate open consultation, the mission adopted a pragmatic approach aimed, on the one hand, to provide as comprehensive a case-by-case review as possible of the main points to be addressed and the options and challenges associated with them; and, on the other hand, to suggest the order in which it considered the topics should be arbitrated and negotiated.

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