Administrative investigation into the situation of the two adapted package tour operators affected by the fire that occurred on 9 August 2023 in a Wintzenheim lodge

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Christophe Itier and Frédéric Laloue

The General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (Igas) received a letter dated 14 August 2023 from the Minister of Solidarity and Families and the Delegated Minister in charge of Disabled Persons, to conduct an administrative investigation into the conditions for authorising and organising the stays of disabled persons who were victims of the fire in their lodges that occurred on 9 August 2023. This fire in two lodges located in the same building, in the locality known as La Forge in the municipality of Wintzenheim, caused the death of eleven people (ten holidaymakers and a professional companion).

In accordance with the letter of engagement, the report focuses on examining the organisation and operation of the two operators affected by the fire on 9 August: Association Idoine, whose headquarters are located in Besançon, and the simplified joint stock company (SAS) Oxygène, whose headquarters are in Lyon. The mission was to examine the administrative procedures and checks that these two adapted package tour operators (VAO) were subject to. 

The mission did not examine the content and scope of the actions of the owner of the two lodges in the fire-damaged building, nor those of the mayor of Wintzenheim, which are outside the scope of its referral by the ministers, and are essentially the subject of a judicial investigation initiated by the judicial court of Paris.